French Press Brewing Reference Guide

This is  a reference guide for 250ml coffee.

You will need:

  • Coffee Bean

    18g PALICO Blend Autumn Gold

  • French Press

    Tiamo French Press Coffee Maker

  • Coffee Grinder

    PALICO Pro coffee grinder

    (grind size #27)

  • Kettle

    Pour over kettle or electronic pour over kettle

  • Scale

    PALICO scale

  • Spoon / Spatula

    Spoon / Spatula

  • Timer

    Total brew time will be 2:30 - 3:00 mins

Step 1.

Warm up the press to maintain the temperature with hot water.

Step 2.

Measure out 18g of coffee beans and grind it as coarse as chunks of sea salt.

Step 3.

Add coffee ground into the press and discard 250 ml of hot water.

Step 4.

Start the timer. Use a spoon/ spatula to give it a good stir for 30 sec.

Step 5.

At 2:00, stir 30 sec again.

Step 6.

At 5:00, firmly push the press all the way down.

Final step.

Serve and enjoy.