Season Sparkle and Shine Art Design Event 2022

Season Sparkle and Shine


一杯好咖啡能為每一個精彩時光錦上添花。磨豆機是沖煮好咖啡的關鍵之一。Palico致力研發品質優良的產品,以確保您每天都能品嚐到完美的咖啡。聖誕佳節即將到臨,我們希望藉Season Sparkle and Shine 美術設計活動2022,為我們的磨豆機加一點點綴,同時亦為咖啡愛好者增添歡樂。

We believe that a good coffee is the icing on the cake for every amazing moment. We are convinced that a coffee grinder is of the utmost impor tance among all. To ensure that your coffee tastes perfect every morning, maintain a constant grind with our grinders. We wish our signature Pro Coffee Grinder to be fueled by the spirit of coffee lovers and Christmas cheer. We would like to share the joy with everyone throughout this event. Hope you could do us a little favor - to add a little embellishment for our Pro Coffee Grinder.


Aug 28 - Sep 24, 2022


所有參加者 - 可獲Palico HK D50現金券1張,
勝出者(一位)- 可獲印有自己所設計的Palico Pro Coffee Grinder 1台

All Participants - Palico HK D50 cash coupon x1
Winner - Palico Pro Coffee Grinder with his/her own design outlook x1

Collapsible content

設計提交 Design Submission

網上提交 Online:

1. 在Google Form提交 Via Google Form

連結 Link

2. 電郵 Via email

親身提交 In-person:

Palico PMQ期間限定店
營業時間:12:00 - 20:00 (星期一至四); 11 :00 - 20:00 (星期五丶六丶日及公眾假期)
Palico PMQ pop-up store
Address: H2 07, Block B, PMQ , 35 Aberdeen Street, Central
Opening Hours: 12:00 - 20:00 (Mon - Thu), 11:00 - 20:00 (Fri - Sun, public holidays)

條款及細則 Rules and Restriction

1. 參加者須在不改變Palico Pro Coffee Grinder現有外型及顏色的基礎上,為此磨豆機設計全新外貌。設計可包含線條、圖案、文字、數字等元素。
2. Palico將提供Palico Pr o Coffee Grinder的平面圖及3D圖作參考。
3. 設計圖可接受手繪或電繪形式。
4. 顏料種類不限,可自由選擇以木顏色、蠟筆、油粉彩、水彩、廣告彩、塑膠彩等顏料繪畫,唯不接受以相片形式提交作品。
5. 得獎作品會以絲網印刷(絲印)方式印刷於Palico Pro Coffee Grinder上,因此生產可行性是評審標準之一。
6. 參加作品會由Palico作初步評審,選3個優秀作品,分享到社交平台,經公眾投票,選出最終得獎作品。
7. 為配合生產,得獎作品可能會經過修改後,方用於生產上。唯修改後會通知参加者。
8. 得獎作品版權將由Palico及得獎者共同擁有,未經Palico同意及授權,不可轉售圖利。
9. 每位參加者只可遞交一份作品。重覆遞交作品將不予以評核。
10. 參加作品一經遞交,不能修改、調換或退還。
11. 活動作品不能含有淫褻、暴力、色情、誹謗、不良意識、侮辱成分或任何具爭議性及不恰當之內容。
12. Palico有權拒絕不恰當、與活動主題無關或格式錯誤的活動作品。
13. 參加作品不能含有宣傳商業或政治元素。
14. 參加作品必須為原創及不會侵犯第三者的權利(包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。如有違規,即被取消参賽或得獎資格。参加作品如抵觸任何法例,一切法律責任將由參與者承擔,Palico概不負責。
15. Palico保留對活動規則和章程的最終解釋權。若有任何有關本活動的爭議發生,Palico的裁定為最終的裁決,任何人士均不得異議。
16. 若提交了作品為參與此活動,將自動同意入圍作品會被分享到社交平台之作投票決定最終作品。

1. Participants are required to redesign the Palico Pro Coffee Grinder while maintaining its current appearance and color. Element types that can be included in designs include lines, patterns, text, numbers, and more.

2. For reference, the product default appearance plan and 3D drawings of the Palico Pro Coffee Grinder will be provided.

3.Design drawings can be produced manually or digitally.

4.There are no limits on the kinds of pigments you may use, so you are free to paint with watercolor, oil pastel, poster color, plastic color, and other pigments. However, the submission of your artwork in the form of a photograph is not acceptable.

5. The Palico Pro Coffee Grinder will be screen printed with the winning entries. Participants must determine if the submission is suitable for production.

6. Three outstanding works will be chosen from among the participating works and posted on social media after preliminary judging by Palico. The ultimate winning works will be chosen via public vote.

7. The winning piece may be altered before being utilized in
production in order to collaborate with it. After changes are made, participants will be informed.

8. The copyright for the winning works will be partially owned by Palico and the winners and cannot be resold for profit without Palico's permission.

9. Each participant is only permitted to submit one piece of work, and only one instance of the same piece may be submitted. Duplicate submissions won't be reviewed.

10. Once submitted, participating works cannot be revised, exchanged, or returned.

11. There should be no offensive, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging, or otherwise improper content in an entry.

12. Events entries that are unsuitable, irrelevant to the event's theme, or deformed may be rejected by Palico at its discretion.

13. Political or commercially motivated content is not permitted in entries.

14. Original work and adherence to third parties' rights are requirements for submissions (including intellectual property rights, confidentiality or privacy rights). Rules violations will prevent someone from taking part or receiving the prize. All legal obligations will be carried by the participants, and Palico will not be held liable if the participating works are found to be in violation of any laws.

15. Palico reserves the right to determine how the event's rules and regulations should be interpreted in the end. If there are any disagreements over this activity, Palico's decision is definitive and no one may disagree.

16. By submitting a piece for consideration, you immediately consent to the shortlisted pieces being shared on social media in order to solicit votes for the winning piece.

評審標準 Standard of Evaluation

- 創意 Creativity
- 主題切合度 Relevance of the content to the theme
- 作品構圖 Composition
- 可行性(是否能適用於生產)Production feasibility

活動查詢 Contact for Inquiries

網站 Website:
電郵 E-mail:
電話 Tel: 2127 6969 | 5115 6262
WhatsApp: 5115 6262 (Icy Chan)

個人資料 Personal Information

Participants must acknowledge that Palico has the right to print and distribute the personal information provided in the entry form and any relevant attachments to the personnel of the firm for evaluation, promotion, or publicity reasons. Personal information will be kept private.

個人資料收集聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement

參加者於參賽表格所提供的個人資料,Palico只會作處理【Season Sparkle and Shine美術設計活動2022】,以及相關推廣及宣傳等事宜。根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,參加者有權查詢及更改其個人資料。參加者如欲查詢及更改其個人資料,請以電郵向Palico提出,或親臨Palico期間限定店,地址為中環鴨巴甸街35號元創坊B座H207室。
The entry form's personal information from participants will only be used by Palico to promote and publicize the "Season Sparkle and Shine Art Design Event 2022" and related events. Participant rights to access and update their personal data are protected under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. If participants wish to inquire or amend their personal information should email Palico or visit H207, Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong.

參考平面圖及實物圖 Reference Image

Download Application Form